
Room 28 Manifest

In the context of our contribution for Germany's year of celebration called "2021 - 1700 years of Jewish life in Germany" a text was created that sheds light on a basic aspecta of our project. Since it has a programmatic character, we declared it the Room 28 Manifesto, which can be read on the association's website.  Our project was called: Jüdische Identität im Kontext europäischer Kultur-Geschichte - Jewish Identity in the context of European Culture and History.

Image. Exodus by Viktor Naimark. Heis the son of one of "The Girls of Room 28", Evelina Merová, née Landa. He inspired to the project and created, as part of the project, marvelous works of art that you can see here in this film. Another film can be seen if you follow the link below.

Room 28 Manifest-English

Film inspired by the Art-"ork of Viktor Naimark

Project: Jüdische Identität

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