Handa Pollak

Handa Pollak

Handa Drori, née Pollak (born November 4, 1931), a "Girl of Room 28"

"Escola Secundaria da Maia" and Sandra Costa

This page leads to an amazing work that the portuguese teacher at the school "Escola Secundaria da Maia" Sandra Costa (photo) conducted with some of her students. The project was part of the school 's project MÚSICA E HOLOCAUSTO. Sandra Costa was working with students in her class on  the children's opera Brundibár and got in contact with one of the "Girls of Room 28", Handa Drori, née Pollak. The young students got in contct with Handa and made research on her life. You can read it on their website.

Thank you, Sandra. And thanks to Inês Pinheiro, Inês D'Alte and Afonso Palma, young students who worked on the project.

Project NAMES Handa Pollak

Handa's biography as described on the Portuguese website is based on the book "As Meninas do Quarto 28".  It was freely adapted by the students and will not be reproduced here.  However, the group of students found further details and documents as part of extensive research. Some I highlight in green color.      

Childhood in Olbramovice

From Handa's family album

Photos from left to right: 1. Handa in 1934 │ 2. Handa at the age of five │ 3. Handa with friends. She was happy because she had a cat on her lap. │4. Handa with her grandmother, great-grandmother and mother.

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