Helgas Diary

Book: My Theresienstadt Diary 1943-1944

Helga Pollak-Kinsky

"The story of the young Helga Pollak is a model case of remembrance and commemoration of the fate of European Jewish children. Her notes are comparable to the diary of Anne Frank".

Peter Gstettner in the Epilogue to the book. He also wrote an excellent contribution to the Room 28 Compendium. It is published under the menue: educational value.

The Theresienstadt Diary of Helga Pollak is the most important authentic document for the Room 28 Educational Project. For the book The Girls of Room 28 (2004), this diary was both the heart and the common thread. Helga's notes made it possible for me to describe the everyday life of the girls in Room 28  and to capture the atmosphere of the microcosm of Room 28, this "island in a raging sea" - this is also an expression you can find in her diary. 

More on: Edition Room 28.

Edition Room 28
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