

The Room 28 Educational Project is a branch of Room 28 Projects 

Hannelore Brenner-Wonschick

Fontanepromenade 6

D-10967 Berlin

Telefon +49 (0)30 691 8395


Hannelore Brenner

Room 28 e.V.

The Room 28 Educational Project is planned to be the central realm of activities of the NPO Room 28. However: the association must be put in a position to take over the management and development of this educational project and everything that goes with it, especially the maintanance and development of the exhibition, communication with schools and with people active in the field of art and culture interested in our Offers.  

This means to establish an active team and secure financial support for the organization on a stable basis. So far all the work was done by me alone, including creating and writingh the connected websites. - This is why it is necessary that the process of transformation can be realized in 2023-2024. 

The logo leads to the association's website. It is only in German. 

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